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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Romanian resources

Following Michelle and my visit to Zalau in Romania 2 weeks ago, I've added 3 Romanian sheets to the website.
Available from this page:  http://www.get.gg/translated.html
(Thanks to Felicia for the translations)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

World Map

Here's a Google Map of where copies of The Decider: A Skills Manual has been sent to since 1 January 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Worry Bug (poem)

This stirring poem (with a wonderful positive ending) was sent to me by Andrew Ballard.  Hope you like it!

The Worry Bug
Good morning, you’re there I feel you again,
My friend, mi amigo, mein comfortable pain.
We’ve grown up together, an unwritten pact,
You’re just so perfect at making my “being” react.
There you are above my stomach right next to my heart,
Come on now, let’s do it, the tension must start.
You’re moving I feel you, you’re into my brain,
He’ll send your true message thru’ nerve, muscle and vein.
It’s spreading, I feel it, that glorious rush,
Once more I am covered by your worrying brush.
It’s normal, it feels right it has to be there!
Or does it? Let’s question, let’s ponder, let’s dare!
Are you part of my body like mucus or hair,
Could it be possible that I put you there!?
I feel you right there my meaningful pal,
But what do you do to help my morale?
What good are you doing you make me feel tense,
So patiently waiting to begin your offense.
You must be there, you feel so alive,
Oh wait, no it’s me that am making you thrive.
Do I need you, well no, you just make me wither,
What goods such a thing, where’s it got me ‘til hither?
I see you my “worry bug” you do not exist,
You’re nothing that’s making my whole being twist.
I see you just there and now it’s a hurry,
I’ve realised it’s you and me making me worry.
I’ve got you, you’re trapped, it’s over you fool,
You’re times up dear bug, expulsion from school.
I’ll notice you there just waiting to flounce,
But now I can see you I’m prepared to pounce.
It’s over, you’re gone, you’re something not there,
You’re never succeeding again that I swear.
And so goodbye old bug it’s been a long road,
I’ve cracked it, farewell to your burdensome load.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy (or Horrible) Holidays

A lot of people find the holidays difficult, so here's my contribution to the upcoming holiday season:  
Let me know if you see any errors of have any ideas for improvement  :-)